Session 3 Part 1

In this sesseion, you make the circuit simulation run on GPUs. We are going to see that mapping decisions do not interfere with the correctness of the application (modulo mapping failures from incorrect mapping decisions).

The task of this exercise is to write some mapping rules to map the three simulation tasks to GPUs. To write mapping rules, you use a new mapper language called Bishop. In the syntax guide below, you can find how you can select a set of tasks (regions) and set their target to a particular processor (memory). We are giving you a mapping rule for task 'update_voltages' that maps the task to CPUs (more precisely, processors that supports x86 ISA). Based on this example and the syntax guide given below, you write

  • Mapping rules that map tasks calculate_new_currents, distribute_charges, and update_voltages to GPUs (i.e. processors that support CUDA ISA)
  • Mapping rule(s) that map regions of these tasks to a zero-copy memory that is visible to the processor that the tasks have been mapped to.
  • As a bonus point, mapping rules that map task distribute_charges to even numbered GPUs and task update_voltages to odd numbered GPUs (you can assume that there are even number of GPUs).

With all your mapping rules written correctly, you should see the solution passes validation.

Syntax Guide

In [ ]:
__demand(__cuda) task T ... -- Generates both x86 and CUDA variants for task T
bishop ... end              -- Starts a bishop mapper
TE    { target : V; }       -- Sets value V as the target of a task that matches TE
TE RE { target : V; }       -- Sets value V as the target of a region that matches RE and whose task matches TE

-- Task Element (TE)
task                        -- Selects any tasks
task#T                      -- Selects tasks named T
task[isa=I]                 -- Selects tasks mapped to a processor that supports ISA I
TE[target=$T]               -- Selects tasks that satisfy TE and then binds their target to $T
TE[index=$P]                -- Selects tasks that satisfy TE and then binds their point in the launch domain to $P

-- Region Element (RE)
region                      -- Selects any regions
region#P                    -- Selects regions named P in the signature

-- Processor objects
processors                  -- A list of processors in the whole system
processors[isa=I]           -- A list of processors that support ISA I (either x86 or cuda)
processors[N]               -- The N-th processor in the list
L.size                      -- The size of list L of processors
P.memories                  -- A list of memories visible to processor P

-- Memory objects
memories                    -- A list of memories in the whole system
memories[kind=K]            -- A list of memories of kind K (sysmem, regmem, fbmem, or zcmem)
memories[N]                 -- The N-th memory in the list
L.size                      -- The size of list L of memories

-- Expressions for list indices
$P[0]                       -- The first coordinate of point $P
E1 + E2, E1 - E2, E1 * E2, E1 / E2, E1 % E2 -- Usual integer arithmetic expressions


In [ ]:
import "regent"
import "bishop"

local c = regentlib.c

struct Currents {
  _0 : float,
  _1 : float,
  _2 : float,

struct Voltages {
  _1 : float,
  _2 : float,

fspace Node {
  capacitance : float,
  leakage     : float,
  charge      : float,
  voltage     : float,

fspace Wire(rpn : region(Node), rsn : region(Node), rgn : region(Node)) {
  in_node     : ptr(Node, rpn, rsn),
  out_node    : ptr(Node, rpn, rsn, rgn),
  inductance  : float,
  resistance  : float,
  capacitance : float,
  current     : Currents,
  voltage     : Voltages,

local CktConfig = require("session1/circuit_config")
local helper = require("session2/circuit_helper")
local validator = require("session2/circuit_validator")

local WS = 3
local dT = 1e-7


  target : processors[isa=x86];

-- TODO: Write mapping rules that map the three simulation tasks to GPUs.
--       You might also want to try solving the bonus problem above.
  target : ;

-- TODO: Write mapping rules that map regions of the three simulation tasks to a zero-copy memory.
task region
  target : ;


task calculate_new_currents(steps : uint,
                            rpn : region(Node),
                            rsn : region(Node),
                            rgn : region(Node),
                            rw : region(Wire(rpn, rsn, rgn)))
  reads(rpn.voltage, rsn.voltage, rgn.voltage,
        rw.{in_node, out_node, inductance, resistance, capacitance}),
  reads writes(rw.{current, voltage})
  var rdT : float = 1.0 / dT
  for w in rw do
    var temp_v : float[WS + 1]
    var temp_i : float[WS]
    var old_i : float[WS]
    var old_v : float[WS - 1]

    temp_i[0] = w.current._0
    temp_i[1] = w.current._1
    temp_i[2] = w.current._2
    for i = 0, WS do old_i[i] = temp_i[i] end

    temp_v[1] = w.voltage._1
    temp_v[2] = w.voltage._2
    for i = 0, WS - 1 do old_v[i] = temp_v[i + 1] end

    -- Pin the outer voltages to the node voltages.
    temp_v[0] = w.in_node.voltage
    temp_v[WS] = w.out_node.voltage

    -- Solve the RLC model iteratively.
    var L : float = w.inductance
    var rR : float = 1.0 / w.resistance
    var rC : float = 1.0 / w.capacitance
    for j = 0, steps do
      -- First, figure out the new current from the voltage differential
      -- and our inductance:
      -- dV = R*I + L*I' ==> I = (dV - L*I')/R
      for i = 0, WS do
        temp_i[i] = ((temp_v[i + 1] - temp_v[i]) -
                     (L * (temp_i[i] - old_i[i]) * rdT)) * rR
      -- Now update the inter-node voltages.
      for i = 0, WS - 1 do
        temp_v[i + 1] = old_v[i] + dT * (temp_i[i] - temp_i[i + 1]) * rC

    -- Write out the results.
    w.current._0 = temp_i[0]
    w.current._1 = temp_i[1]
    w.current._2 = temp_i[2]

    w.voltage._1 = temp_v[1]
    w.voltage._2 = temp_v[2]

task distribute_charge(rpn : region(Node),
                       rsn : region(Node),
                       rgn : region(Node),
                       rw : region(Wire(rpn, rsn, rgn)))
  reads(rw.{in_node, out_node, current._0, current._2}),
  reduces +(rpn.charge, rsn.charge, rgn.charge)
  for w in rw do
    var in_current = -dT * w.current._0
    var out_current = dT * w.current._2
    w.in_node.charge += in_current
    w.out_node.charge += out_current

task update_voltages(rn : region(Node))
  reads(rn.{capacitance, leakage}),
  reads writes(rn.{voltage, charge})
  for n in rn do
    var voltage = n.voltage + n.charge / n.capacitance
    voltage = voltage * (1.0 - n.leakage)
    n.voltage = voltage
    n.charge = 0.0

task toplevel()
  var conf : CktConfig

  var num_circuit_nodes = conf.num_pieces * conf.nodes_per_piece
  var num_circuit_wires = conf.num_pieces * conf.wires_per_piece

  var rn = region(ispace(ptr, num_circuit_nodes), Node)
  var rw = region(ispace(ptr, num_circuit_wires), Wire(wild, wild, wild))

  new(ptr(Node, rn), num_circuit_nodes)
  new(ptr(Wire(wild, wild, wild), rw), num_circuit_wires)

  c.printf("Generating a random circuit...\n")
  helper.generate_random_circuit(rn, rw, conf)

  var colors = ispace(int1d, conf.num_pieces)
  var pn_equal = partition(equal, rn, colors)
  var pw = preimage(rw, pn_equal, rw.in_node)
  var pn_extrefs = image(rn, preimage(rw, pn_equal, rw.out_node) - pw, rw.out_node)
  var pn_private = pn_equal - pn_extrefs
  var pn_shared = pn_equal & pn_extrefs
  var pn_ghost = image(rn, pw, rw.out_node) - pn_equal

  for i = 0, conf.num_pieces do
    helper.initialize_pointers(pn_private[i], pn_shared[i], pn_ghost[i], pw[i])

  helper.wait_for(helper.block(rn, rw))

  --helper.dump_graph(conf, rn, rw)

  c.printf("Starting main simulation loop\n")
  var ts_start = helper.timestamp()

  for j = 0, conf.num_loops do
    for i = 0, conf.num_pieces do
      calculate_new_currents(conf.steps, pn_private[i], pn_shared[i], pn_ghost[i], pw[i])
    for i = 0, conf.num_pieces do
      distribute_charge(pn_private[i], pn_shared[i], pn_ghost[i], pw[i])
    for i = 0, conf.num_pieces do

  -- Wait for all previous tasks to complete and measure the elapsed time.
  var _ = 0
  for i = 0, conf.num_pieces do
    _ += helper.block(pn_equal[i], pw[i])
  var ts_end = helper.timestamp()
  c.printf("simulation complete\n")

  var sim_time = 1e-6 * (ts_end - ts_start)
  c.printf("ELAPSED TIME = %7.3f s\n", sim_time)
  var gflops =
    helper.calculate_gflops(sim_time, WS * 6 + (WS - 1) * 4, 4, 4, conf)
  c.printf("GFLOPS = %7.3f GFLOPS\n", gflops)

  c.printf("Validating simulation results...\n")
  validator.validate_solution(rn, rw, conf)